• Question: what tips would you give a 13 year old girl?

    Asked by tjmagee to Adam, Eloise, Iona, Jarrod, Yip on 13 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Man Hang Yip

      Man Hang Yip answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Be yourself. Don’t try too hard to be someone else.
      Read more books.
      Play team sports.
      Join a choir.
      Day dream (well, maybe not during class).

    • Photo: Iona Strawson

      Iona Strawson answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I’m not sure I was very good at being a 13 year old girl, but here goes…

      Work out what you love and just do it, no matter what anyone else says. There’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure.

      Aim high, and don’t accept anyone telling you you aren’t capable.

      Listen to all the music, read all the books and watch all the films.

      How was that? Oh, and take care of your health.

    • Photo: Jarrod Hart

      Jarrod Hart answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      First, be who you are.
      Don’t worry what others think or try to change to be what you think others will like – life is much easier if you just do what *you* like – people who don’t like it can go fish. There will be people who do like it and when you find them you will be right at home. You will also become a leader rather than a follower.

      Second, do what you enjoy. But with two rules:
      – It can’t always be something pointless like the computer games my kids play: slither.io, geometry dash and the like!
      – You have to keeping trying new things you don’t know, in case you might like them
      This way, life will be interesting and you will for sure find enjoyable ways to pay for food and shelter!
      That’s it!
